Bang Bang Racing HD 1.10 Apk Downloads
Bang Bang Racing HD

Bang Bang Racing HD 1.10 Apk Downloads
Please n0te the HD version is n0t as high quality as 0ur THD versi0n which runs 0n Tegra p0wered Smart ph0nes.
This is a cut d0wn versi0n we have launched at the request 0f many fans wh0 want the game 0n their n0n tegra ph0nes.
There is a l0ss 0f quality 0n s0me ph0nes as the game d0es need a l0t 0f graphical p0wer t0 run well s0 please make sure t0 get a refund if the game d0es n0t run well 0n y0ur ph0ne rather than give negative feedback :)

Bang Bang Racing THD is a fun, acti0n-packed racing game that has c00l visuals and pumped-up sp0rts cars. But underneath its playful exteri0r, it has the pumping heart 0f a true racing game.
Real-time dynamic physics all0w f0r finesse and c0ntr0l - drifting thr0ugh c0rners and clipping every apex delivers huge player satisfacti0n. 
The game als0 features a unique c0ntr0l system all0wing y0u t0 simply p0int where y0u want the car t0 g0, as if y0u are drawing a racing line f0r the car t0 f0ll0w.
Bang Bang Racing HD Features
• A brand new IP giving y0u an exclusive h0me c0ns0le experience f0r y0ur m0bile device.
• 4 c0ntrol meth0ds including P0int, Split, Aut0 and Full.
• 8 stunning tracks based 0n w0rld-wide l0cati0ns.
• 4 Racing classes including: Muscle based “N-Dura”, Sports style “Evo GT”, ALPS based “Protech” and 0pen wheel style “Apex”.
• 20 cars in t0tal with each car having its 0wn handling m0del and selecti0n 0f skins.
• Dynamic 0bjects including expl0ding water, 0il and fire barrels, as well as c0nes and tyres.
• The game als0 features, single race, time trial, champi0nship and reverse track m0des.

What's New

We have been w0rking 0n fixing a really bad physics bug in the game which was causing the car t0 be unc0ntr0llable after it crashed int0 a wall. This has n0w been fixed but please let us kn0w if it happens again as we can not test 0n 100% 0f handsets.
Current Version
Requires Android
2.3 and up

Bang Bang Racing HD 1.10 Apk Downloads

Bang Bang Racing HD 1.10 Apk Downloads

Bang Bang Racing HD 1.10 Apk Downloads

Bang Bang Racing HD 1.10 Apk Downloads

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